Harrison Park

Community Center

Our Staff

Sharon Thompson, Executive Director

After retiring from her corporate job as a human resources director in 2012, Sharon began attending our exercise classes three times a week. With the amount of time she spent here, it was no surprise when she applied for the position of executive director at the Harrison Park Community Center in 2014. Sharon's years of experience in human resources help her to manage the center's activities and staff with efficiency.

Josh McConnell, Fitness and Wellness Coordinator

Josh is a certified personal trainer with his own business who loves encouraging our visitors as they pursue their fitness goals. He's been a familiar face around the community center since he started playing basketball here at 15 years old.

Mark Anderson, Facilities Manager

Mark is a local plumber who enjoys keeping our center shipshape for visitors. He performs repairs, sets up tables for events, and otherwise lends a helping hand. Mark has been a fan of the community center ever since joining our bridge club in 2010.

Annie Pruitt, Activities Director

Annie puts a lot of enthusiasm into planning everything from quilting lessons to youth activities to pottery classes. She's a retired high school history teacher who began volunteering at the community center since moving to town seven years ago.

Alicia Lewis, Receptionist

When you walk into our office, Alicia's friendly smile is the first thing you'll see. She answers our calls, helps visitors sign up for classes, and has time left over to create a beautiful newsletter every month. Alicia is mother to six kids, so her organizational skills are second to none. She's been bringing her children here for activities since she had her first child ten years ago.